Inspector General E.W. Seay ,33 Degree President
As President of Georgia 33 Degree Centurion Club
my main focus is growth in our organization and
moving forward to a higher level within my state
and throughout the whole compact.
The Supreme Council 33 Degree State of Georgia
was formed and installed on September 25, 1989
in the city of Augusta Georgia at the Most Worshipful Smooth Ashlar Grand Lodge Session, Honorable Norman Woodard, 33 Degree National Supreme Council of IX under leadership of Late Reverend Roosevelt Franklin, 33 Degree National Illustrious Grand Orator and National Supreme Council of IX. Also with approval from Honorable Robert L. Wade, 33 Degree Most Puissant Sovereign Grand Commander and the National Supreme Council of IX.
It is our mission of the Scottish of freemasonry
in about the United State of America, to improve
its members and enhance the communities in
which they live by teaching and emulating the
principles of Brotherly Love, Tolerance, Charity,
and Truth while actively embracing High Social,
Moral, and Spiritual Vales including fellowship,
Compass, and Dedication to God, Family and
My Prayers and Condolence’s to all Families that Love One’s Have Gone Home to be with the Lord.
In Memories of.
Inspector General Frank Williams ,
Inspector General W.J.Johnson
Inspector General Paul Lockhart ,
Inspector General Griffin Panion
Inspector General Samuel Chambers ,
Inspector General William Wilborn
Inspector General George Bailey ,
Inspector General Bobby Rogers ,
Inspector General Edward Johnson ,
Honorable Reverend Roosevelt Franklin National Supreme Council of IX, and Inspector General (Chief) William A. Anderson All Gone But Not Forgotten.
Fraternally Yours,
Inspector General E.W.Seay